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Dutch - MP3 Owner &  Lead Trainer

What client's say:


  • ​​Now I understand what Dutch means when he says, "Pain is often a symptom of the real problem".  He helped me when others weren't able to.

  • Dutch listens, understands, relieves my pain, and offers hope!

  • Dutch helped me understand why I have chronic pain and taught me how to eliminate it so I have control of my life again!

  • Dutch has extensive knowledge of how the brain and body work together.


World renowned doctor and amazing physical therapist

Dutch specializes in eliminating pain and improving athletic performance. He also helps people suffering from chronic pain, and challenging neurological issues. Dutch's unique neurological approach, combined with his passion to see client's overcome pain, make him a sought-after therapist, coach, and speaker. 

Dutch is an endurance athlete, and has completed two Ironman races, as well as many other endurance events. He loves all things outdoors, and hiking the mountains of Colorado is one of his favorite things. He has climbed 48 Colorado's highest mountains/14ers. 


Dutch Thomson, BA & MA

MP3 Owner & Trainer/Therapist

ZHealth ACC, Neuro Athletic Trainer



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