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1. What is Neuroplasticity?
Neuroplasticity is our brains' ability to adapt. It means that our brains are "plastic" or moldable. Learning is a component of Neuroplasticity, but Neuroplasticity applies to much more than education. Basically, anything you want to improve (physical capability, athletic performance, spine and joint function) are all within the scope of Neuroplasticity,
2. Why would this help more than traditional Western medicine?
For one thing, Neuroplasticity IS based in Western medicine (WM). It's science is well established. In fact, many of our clients are doctors and nurses who love learning how our brains heal our bodies. Unfortunately, WM is far from perfect. One huge problem is the lack of awareness of the brain's involvement in healing. Instead, WM focuses obsessively on the thing that hurts.
Suppose someone has an injured knee. WM assumes that the only problem is the knee! WM arranges for all kinds of therapeutic interventions for the knee (x-ray/MRI, surgery and/or physical therapy, and steroid injections). All this is done without consideration for that which empowers, commands, and controls the knee: the brain ,
Unfortunately, this is akin to performing all kinds of repairs on a broken dishwasher, without ever checking the fuse box to see if there is adequate power to the appliance. The brain is the power source! It is too important not to consider! Sadly, Western medicine can "miss the forest for the trees": in so doing, it may miss our most powerful potential for healing .
3. Why haven't I heard of this before?
Neuroplasticity is a relatively new science - about twenty-five years old. In spite of it's youth, Neuroplasticity has a deep reservoir of research and science behind it, Nevertheless, many healthcare providers did not have an opportunity to study this as classes were not available. Only recently have we begun to see universities offer courses in Neuroplasticity.*
Additionally, there is a growing number of scientists and medical doctors who are talking about Neuroplasticity and the media is starting to pay attention. Here are a few you may have heard of: Dr. Andrew Huberman, Dr. Lorimer Moseley, and Dr. James Doty.
4. How Does it Work?
Consider this example. Paul has an injured right shoulder. He has had chronic pain for over a year. None of his healthcare providers know how to help him, and no one has suggested Neuroplasticity.
When Paul arrives at his appointment with us, we assume other specialists have examined his shoulder ad infinitum, so the last thing we might look at is his shoulder. Instead, we start by considering the "wiring and connections" from Paul's brain to his shoulder. We have Paul perform a variety of easy drills to help us know how specific, movement oriented, brain areas are performing. There's no magic or voodoo. There are no brain scans or electrodes attached to Paul's head. We simply apply good science in combination with highly developed observation skills.
5. What parts of the brain are involved in movement?
One part of our brain is more involved with body flexion (Midbrain and Medulla). Another brain area is involved in body extension (Pons and Cerebellum). A third brain area is responsible for accurately sensing pain (Insular Cortex), while a fourth brain area is responsible for maintaining high quality movement maps (Parietal Lobe and Cerebellum).
If one of these brain regions is compromised, it will seriously limit our ability to heal. We discover limitations in brain function through various drills and these drills become the foundation for improving brain function. Many of our drills look like exercises you might see a physical therapist do, with one major difference: we design movements to activate precise brain areas needing attention.
6. Is this based on science/research or is it more like Eastern mysticism?
There is no mysticism in what we do. It is science based. Although we celebrate many alternative therapies and effective healing modalities, at MP3, we do not use mysterious scents, magic potions or promises of utter bliss or eternal youth : )
7. How long does Neuroplasticity take?
Neuroplasticity is neither easy nor fast. Depending on the severity of pain or injury, recovery could take two months to two years. Whatever the length of time your healing might require, MP3 will give you your strongest start and best potential through the power of your brain.
8. How do I know if Neuroplasticity is right for me?
Take our Neuro quiz to find out.
1. What is Neuroplasticity
2. Why would this help more than traditional medicine?
3. Why haven't I heard of this before?
4. How does it work?
5. What parts of the brain are involed in movement?
6. Is this based on science/research or is it more like Eastern mysticism?
7. How long does Neuroplasticity take?
8. How do I know if Neuroplasticity is right for me?
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